
CHIP Roundtable

CHIC and CHIP published their first Social Value Annual Report, which was launched at this September event. CHIP was keen to ask stakeholders to look back over the last year to see if the agreed objectives had been achieved, but primarily to look forward to ensure that the outcomes of CHIP’s activities will achieve the maximum positive impact possible.

CHIC’s supply chain partner AICO kindly agreed to host the event at their depot in Oswestry. CHIP’s trustees and CHIC’s team were joined by a range of stakeholders drawn from our members and supply chain partners.

To set the scene for later discussions, delegates initially had presentations from:

John Fisher, Chief Executive – CHIC
Luke Hurd, Chief Operating Officer – CHIC
Barrie Hodge – St Basils
Kirsty Docherty – Bell Group
Paul Cartwright – AICO


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